This gluten-free grain is a staple in Asia and India. As gluten-free food demand is on the rise, millet is now hero in western countries. Step back on processed foods marketed as gluten-free. They either lack key nutrients or loaded with chemicals. A variety of millets are available. They can be cooked like rice, pasta or to a creamy texture like grits. Whichever fits your preference and diet. From any of your favorite rice or pasta dish, safely substitute rice/pasta with millets. I made this dish with Proso millets. Proso millets in other languages is called Varigelu in telugu, Baragu in kannada, pain varagu in tamil, Cheena in bangali, Vari in marathi, cheno in gujarati, bachari bagmu in oriya… Though in Asia countries as India, China, Nepal etc millet is a common staple, for western countries, it is a bird food.