You may be most familiar with the red beet, but beets come in a two colors. One is orange, and is known as the golden beet. The difference between the red and the orange beet is the pigment. Red beets are rich in betalain pigment while orange beets are rich in b-xanthin pigment. You’ll gain a number of health benefits if you include the orange beet in your diet. Golden beets are a little on the sweeter side in compared to red beets.
Fruits and vegetables from golden yellow color spectrum contain high levels of vitamins and minerals as vitamin C, vitamin A, beta-carotene, potassium, lycopene, flavonoids, and zeaxanthin.
Gold beets are available year-round with a peak season during the autumn months. Steaming and roasting bring out the best flavor that the beet can offer. It is easy to peel skin is steamed. It simply slips away from its flesh.
There are many ways to enjoy beets. Grate them raw on salads. Steam and sauté, yummy, low sugar desserts.